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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Astrology and Diet Part One...

Your astrological chart/profile describes your unique constitutional makeup. From this, a medical astrologer can identify health issues you are most likely to experience, as well as specific recommendations of what you can do to regain and maintain optimum well-being. Astrology identifies four basic constitutional types: fire, earth, air and water.
A simple way to identify your constitutional type is to start with your Sun sign, the Sun being symbolic of one's essence and vitality. If you are familiar with your birth chart, you can look beyond the basic Sun sign to see if you have a large number of planets in any one of the four elements. If you do, you can apply the information below to that element in addition to your basic Sun sign.
The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and are considered to possess the most energy and vitality of all the signs. The air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are considered the second most vital, though more reactive to external stimuli. The water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, are more changeable and emotionally reactive. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and possess great steadiness and endurance, though not the vital spark of fire or air.
The maintenance of health is a process of constant readjustment to change. We each tend to experience periods of excess or deficiency of our constitutional element, which require adjustment of diet, lifestyle or even supplementation.
Fire Constitution: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Fire rules the function of internal combustion or digestion—the burning up or absorption of food. Fire also purifies the system by burning off toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungus. Fire signs easily fight disease. Their constitution naturally tends toward high temperatures and inflammations in this process.
Excess Fire
Fire signs, when unbalanced to excess or overstimulation, are prone to burning themselves out. They do not naturally conserve or pace themselves. Excess fire burns with adrenalin energy, is ardent and excitable. Excess fire can be impatient and angry, or internalizes it into hypertension, heart problems, ulcers or inflammations. Excess fire is brought back into balance by foods that are cold, moist and heavy, or slow-burning foods that ground energy, such as grains and root vegetables.
Anything that stimulates the system aggravates excess fire, such as spicy foods or red meat. Herbs, particularly relaxants (such as chamomile or lemon balm) and sedatives (skullcap, valerian) serve to cool the system, draw energy down and disperse excess fire.
Low Fire
When your fire is low, it may be hard to burn off or fight disease. Digestion and absorption of food are inadequate. Eat foods that are hot, light, dry and aromatic. Avoid cold foods. Hot spices and sour foods such as lemons and yogurt are good, as are whole grains cooked in oil. Bitter greens such as kale, mustard or collard greens support digestion. Keep dairy and meat to a minimum, and eat frequent light meals.
A main meal eaten at lunchtime takes advantage of maximum fire at midday. Use digestive stimulants such as cayenne, mustard and cloves, circulatory stimulants such as cinnamon and garlic, or ginger, which is stimulating to both the digestive and circulatory systems.
Air Constitution: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Air rules the nervous and circulatory systems and the function of movement, peristalsis, urination and breathing. Air people are easily stimulated, with quick and extremely sensitive minds that are easily thrown off balance and overwhelmed.
Excess Air
Overactive, restless, sensitive minds and nervous exhaustion plague air signs, as does dry skin, hair and mucus membranes, insomnia and memory loss from systemic overload. Excess air benefits from scheduled windows of quiet, with minimal stimulation, to allow the nervous system to recharge itself.
Air energy tends to collect high in the body, and benefits from a diet rich in earthy foods that draw the energy down, such as grains and root crops. Raw foods aggravate excess air and should be avoided, except in the summer months. Instead, use lightly steamed or even boiled vegetables served with oil dressing, nuts or croutons. Avoid yeasty foods and refined sugars. Enzymes allow nutrients to be better absorbed.
Low Air
When the air element is low, there is difficulty with the flow of energy through the body. A weakened nervous system benefits from mineral supports such as calcium and magnesium, and circulatory stimulants such as gingko, cayenne, garlic and ginger. Gotu kola and FoTi stimulate brain activity. Low air responds well to dairy (especially easily-digested yogurt, kefir).
Foods that are light, drying and stimulating are supportive. Avoid heavy foods, eat plenty of raw foods, vegetable juices and sprouted seeds. Oats in any form—oatmeal, oatstraw tea or oat tincture, are tonifying to a weak nervous sytem without being sedating. Bitter tonics such as dandelion root or angostura bitters stimulate the digestive process and draw energy down through the body.
Part Two of this article explores the water and earth elements. More -->

Gretchen Lawlor, N.D. is an astrologer and naturopath. Send an email to the author.For more information about Gretchen Lawlor, click here.
Other StarIQ articles by Gretchen Lawlor:
Your Health and Moon Sign
Mercury, the Nervous System and Energy Medicine
Mercury, the Nervous System and Herbal Support
Astrology and Diet Part Two
What Can Medical Astrology Do for You?
What Can Medical Astrology Do ...

What does a medical astrologer do, and what can they do for you? Working from your horoscope they can identify underlying causes of health problems, identify weak areas in need of support and suggest not only the treatment therapies you will respond best to, but also when to initiate treatment for maximum benefit.
Modern Western medicine is beginning to show interest in other medical systems—especially what they have to offer in the way of preventative medicine. With a sense of renaissance in the air, people are more willing to indulge their curiosity, and astrology has some unique contributions to this broadening view of the healing arts.
Your Horoscope and Your Health
Medical astrology determines from an individual's horoscope the state of health of body, mind and spirit. This reflects a current trend in all spheres of medicine to acknowledge that optimum health depends on a harmonious balance between these three. The horoscope is a blueprint of the whole being, reflecting the complex interaction of body, mind and spirit.
One's horoscope can describe with great accuracy the unique constitutional makeup of an individual, including the resilience of the immune system and structural and functional weaknesses. This is of prime interest as Western medicine struggles with mediocre results from using a statistically average model of what constitutes well-being to all people.
Astrology and Medicine in History
Astrology has been used for medical purposes since the time of the Chaldean priest-physicians of 2000-1000 BC, and was used by those who founded and inspired our modern medicine of today. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), considered to be the father of modern medicine and the source of the hippocratic oath all medical doctors pledge themselves to, was an accomplished astrologer. He has been quoted as saying that a physician without a knowledge of astrology had better "call himself a fool rather than a physician."
And Nicholas Culpepper, the famous herbalist who laid the foundations for herbal medicine, stated that treatment without the use of astrology is like "a lamp without oil.”
Medical Astrology Should Be Used Cautiously
The horoscope can be used to identify health problems and recommend the most effective treatment. In doing so, one could be considered to be practicing medicine, legally the domain of only licensed medical practitioners. Great care needs to be taken here. A medical astrologer without a medical license never provides a diagnosis nor prescribes a treatment, working instead in the more general areas of assessments and recommendations, and collaborating with medical practitioners in the prevention and treatment of disease.
Astrology Contributes to an Effective Treatment Regime
A predispositioned hypersensitivity to medications and household/environmental chemicals and pollutants can be predicted from an individual's horoscope. The medical astrologer pays particular attention to the planet Neptune, which, among other things, symbolizes heightened sensitivity physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Neptune's placement in the horoscope can indicate an organ or physiological function that is hypersensitive to outside influences and will respond well to minimal chemical intervention. Particular Neptune configurations point to a tendency toward overmedication if dosed with an amount considered normal for the average patient. Under such an influence, the recommendation would be to treat in a gentle and conservative manner. There are Neptunian configurations in the horoscope which, when applied to medical matters, highlight a tendency toward misdiagnosis, suggesting a second opinion be pursued on any serious ailment.
For example, Neptune placed on the eastern horizon at birth suggests a finely calibrated body with a particularly sensitive mind-body link. This person is likely to be especially susceptible to infections and viruses and prone to developing allergies. This person will respond best to a treatment regime that includes counseling, subtle body therapies such as homeopathy, cranio-sacral adjustment or even art or music therapy.
Timing Your Treatments
Medical astrology uses the positions of the planets in the present to determine optimum windows for elective surgery. A supportive planetary configuration involving the planet Pluto, as well as the planet Mars placed prominently for maximum vital force during recovery, will encourage surgical success as well as a swift recovery. The influence of the Full Moon on post-surgical hemorrhage has been well documented, and hence is avoided if at all possible.
Healing Modalities
The medical astrologer can identify the most effective healing modalities for a client to pursue. For example, a dominant emphasis on the earth element (strong Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn in the chart) would suggest bodywork, chiropractic or nutritional therapies, whereas dominant water (strong Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) will respond better to psychotherapy, art therapy or psychic healing.
Fire sign signatures (strong placements of planets in Aries, Leo and/or Sagittarius) respond best to exercise regimes such as t'ai chi or qi gong (though these people need to watch a tendency toward overdoing their workouts) with subsequent burnout. Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) respond well to acupuncture, yoga and scheduled rests to recharge their easily overstimulated nervous systems.
Bedside Manner
Astrology can help the health practitioner to identify the best way to present the information to the client, what to expect of the course of the healing journey, and the client's style and willingness to pursue the recommended course of treatment. For example, cardinal signs rising (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) show the most dramatic response to therapeutic modifications and are generally open and enthusiastic about embarking upon a regime.
Those with fixed signs rising (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) are more resistant to accepting advice from others, though will carry out a regime to the letter for extensive periods if you can get through to them (suggestion: they are impressed with success stories and like a fair amount of control). Mutable signs rising (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) tend to shop around the healing circuit, either staying with something for a while and then moving on, or creating an eclectic mix of therapies.
Why Not?
In comparison to the long-standing historical use of astrology in medicine throughout the world, modern medical practices have their origins less than 100 years ago. Particularly in the U.S., we have not had easy access to alternatives to allopathic treatment, and yet there are many, many conditions that are not just physical in cause, or effect—the territory where allopathic medicine excels. Your own astrological blueprint can highlight not only physical but psychological weak spots, as well as the most effective ways to return you to optimum health.

Gretchen Lawlor, N.D. is an astrologer and naturopath. Send an email to the author.For more information about Gretchen Lawlor, click here.
Other StarIQ articles by Gretchen Lawlor:
Your Health and Moon Sign
Mercury, the Nervous System and Energy Medicine
Mercury, the Nervous System and Herbal Support
Astrology and Diet Part Two
Astrology and Diet Part 1

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hillary Clinton a Scorpio for

US President Election 2008?

Her Scorpion mantra: "I Will Survive!"

Hillary Clinton's horoscope has been in question for years. Her mother gave out a time and she's given out another time, actually many times. A noon chart gives very good information for someone in the public eye. It won't have the timing exactness of a verified birthtime, but it does have a truth to it. I don't know that Clinton has anyone around her who gives advice from an astrological perspective. But I do know she is a Scorpio who is not about to cavalierly throw out information which could give someone insight to her private life.

Although she was born on 10/26/47 and Scorpio is one of the most elected signs of US Presidents, this fact alone isn't enough to win. One of her traits that create such diametrically opposed feelings in the public is her secret-keeping skills. Her cool strength and tenacity is an asset for any leader, but her willingness to overlook slights and infidelities with her eye on the big picture has caused endless derision and even hatred.

A Moon in Pisces can symbolize a person who is a dreamer, a savior or a victim (or floating through all these roles). People with strong Pisces are often successful as actors, artists, or directors because they create illusions for the public and can be what the viewer chooses to see. In the case of a candidate for the Presidency however, this is her Achilles Heel. She wants to be viewed as strong, focused and trustworthy. The Piscean quality coupled with the Scorpio reserve, makes some people think she can't be trusted, because they can't easily "read" her. Others see in her themselves, or their general opinion of women, which can be qualities they are passionately committed to or passionately don't like.

The irony is Hillary Clinton is incredibly loyal and demands that from everyone close to her (Sun, Venus in Scorpio). Her husband's indiscretions may seem to deny that, but he is proud of her (Leo) and will fight for her (even when he was the one who caused the problem). He and Obama have been snarling like the two lions they are, defending their territory (Leos). Both men care about being liked and work hard on connecting with people. Hillary certainly would be hurt by not being liked (Pisces Moon) but the Scorpio rises and decides, "Living well is indeed the best revenge".

Hillary's biggest concern is setting out what she intended to do. In 1969, she became the first student at Wellesley College to deliver their commencement address in which she said: "The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible."
A Moon in Pisces by itself can symbolize a person who gets lost in emotional confusion, whose heart must surround a cause bigger than herself, who sacrifices and who is labeled a victim or who embodies the essence of her art. With the Scorpio planets providing perseverance, focus and strategy to her passion (which is to serve regardless of the cost), Hillary Clinton is not flesh and blood to the public. She has become an icon, although people are divided as to what she represents. She truly embodies "goddess energy", not in its "warm and fuzzy, hug a tree form", but in its life-force power. People resent, fear and loathe this or hold her in great respect... she is not a middle-ground kind of gal.

Think of Sedna, the Intuit myth who died a victim at her father's hand, only to become the queen goddess who provided food for the tribe or took it away if rules weren't obeyed. Or Ceres, the Roman goddess of the harvest, a victim because her daughter was kidnapped by the god of the underworld and made his bride. Ceres then created a famine until a compromise was worked out and the seasons occurred, blooming when her daughter came back and dying to winter when she returned to her husband. Mythology is full of powerful goddesses who assert their strength in ways different than the gods. Power is not intrinsically about testosterone.

Of course, Hillary Clinton is a human being but her sheer strength of will has morphed her into a bigger-than-life creature in the public eye. She has a dynamic conjunction of Pluto (transformation)/Saturn (discipline)/Mars (drive). The US has voted for several presidents with these connections because they make for a very strong persona. This makes her difficult to ignore in a room. But because they also are in aspect with her Scorpio planets, what she says or does may make people suspect she means something else.

There is an ocean of agenda under whatever is on the surface, but the agenda is not for personal gain, other than the power she knows she must obtain to administer the dream. These planets are in Leo, connecting to her husband's Leo planets, one of the bonds they share. Now she is not stoking his furnace however, the timing is right for her to step fully into her power. Whether the American people are willing to support that, is another story.

The nodes are imaginary points in the sky that symbolize the blending of the soul's purpose with the self. Her south node in Scorpio (past-life snares), symbolizes the drama, the intrigue, the behind the scenes lessons that have brought her to this place. Is she is fully able to step into the karmic truth of her north node (present life's destiny) in Taurus, ready to grip the tangible prize, to be the person who sits behind the desk in the oval office? With Neptune in hard aspect to her nodes by transit (a temporary state), this can create confusion to her and to the public. Since the US moon (its people) is also undergoing a Neptune transit, it heightens the people's need for hope as they feel disillusioned and confused as to the best course.

People want a leader who walks with assurance. She is walking steadily on the path from all outer appearances, but what will matter most is her total conviction of her right to win. As I write this Obama is showing very well in the polls, but since his big wins occurred during retrograde Mercury, things can change.

If Hillary Clinton does not win the Democratic bid, she will most likely regroup and present herself as a Vice President candidate. It would not be the first time she seemed to get over a disappointment quickly. In the end she knows that would still be a big win for women and she is always looking at the bigger goal. Still, it doesn't look like the candidate will be nailed down before spring. She needs to keep walking the walk, intent on the big win. A Scorpio does not retreat until she is truly done. With Pluto in Capricorn, the pull for a candidate with experience seems very strong which may well work in her favor in spite of the Obama glamour.
©copyright 2008 Pamela Cucinell All rights reserved.

Pamela Cucinell is an astrologer certified through the National Council of Geocosmic Research. She has studied symbols and psychology at the CG Jung Institute in NYC and is a tarot consultant. She is a Reiki Master, a sensitive and an artist, working with the symbols of her disciplines in a spiritual and mythological way. Phone sessions available. Pamela is the owner/caretaker of, an online gift store as well as offering professional astrology services. More about the candidates at
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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Story of Astrology !

In the Beginning....

One fine morning God decided to tell his twelve children something about life in general and a special trip he had planned for them. He thought that he could help each one of them on their way with a little philosophy. So they presented themselves to listen to what he had to say."A period of meditation has led me to the decision to send each of you away for some time. So now take turns to come before me, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces".God then instructed them individually concerning material life, their special gifts, and then He sent them into the world to use those various gifts to help mankind.

After they had disappeared in all directions, God sat back and thought about what would befall his children in the world. He decided to get back to his own job of keeping the "Universe" running smoothly while he waited for his children to turn up again soon.In the meantime, they were busy with their various enterprises and each asked himself how the others were getting along. None were completely happy because they all missed each other.

And so God invited them for another meeting. Once more they all gathered before him to listen to his words: "My dearest ones, I have observed you trying to follow the advice that I gave each one of you. Some of you did quite well, while for others it wasn't easy. So I have decided that you should team up and work together for the well being of my earthly children, mankind." Thus spoke God...

The children set off and founded an international charitable corporation to conduct research into the state of "Peace and Harmony on Earth."Aries and Gemini worked together on the questionnaire while Cancer and Pisces looked after the various needs of the other ten.

Libra took over the judical department and designed the ambiance of the entire operation while Capricorn and Virgo organized the structure of the organization most efficiently down to the finest detail.

Leo represented the organization in public adding the extra dash of flair needed to put any business over while Pisces polished and gave it a creative image. Pisces was also in charge of the advertising budget.

Taurus, being closer in nature to the earth, acted as advisor to the rest on earthly matters and in keeping with the Taurean nature of loving culinary delights, kept the group well provided for. Taurus gave Peace and serenity, inspiring the others with his sense of calmness and inner peace.Sagittarius was asked to investigate foreign cultures so that a picture of conditions in distant lands could be built up.

Aquarius decided to set up a world wide communications network using the possibilities offered by computer technology.

Scorpio watched everything suspiciously, taking care to ensure that the transformation of the entire enterprise occurred with honor.God was very pleased with the children he sent and decreed that henceforth all children born on earth would embody the qualities of each of his Heavenly 'children' to give everyone the chance to grow and be able to conquer their animal nature; spreading peace and harmony in the earth first and in heaven when he called them home.

And so...God began to feel sorry for his children he had sent to earth: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces and decided that their lives were too lonely because some were falling into depressions as they toiled the lonely road of life.

So, God in his wisdom decided to make each one of them a mate, but to simply give them out like playing cards may have caused some to undervalue the gift. Thinking thus, God made the matches and hid them among the stars and the planets so that the ones who were truly ready for love and matrimony would be able to spice up their lives, not only with the new companion, but also with the thrill of the hunt and the chase.

Conclusion...For each one in the world there is a true souls companion, and each one of Gods children had to learn how the different ones that were created acted, just to see if they were compatible. When this special person was found he/she was brought to earth to enrich the life of the one chosen; and so they lived happily ever after.
The End (of the beginning)
Source : Starlight Astrology
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Moon in Scorpio: Secrets and Lies

What a tangled web other people weave. Things that you did in the past come to bite you in the behind today as today’s Moon in Scorpio form s a tension aspect to the South Node of the moon. Neptune also in the same tension aspect blows out a smokescreen of mist, lending a surreal landscape to far flung accusations and innuendo.
This is all a play for power. Prepare for people questioning your methods and your motives in a bid to get the upper hand. We are treading on quicksand here, the whispered tale, the half baked truth. Sun in Pisces makes it very difficult to...more >>>

Ghanaians, the Bible and Astrology

( Excerpts)
There are Ghanaians who practice astrology. They know their Zodiac signs and they read them regularly to help them take major decisions.There are Ghanaians who believe in the Bible and practice astrology at the same time.

What is Astrology?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, astrology is "The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs." The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 6th Edition, defines it as, “The study of the positions of the stars and the movements of the planets in the belief that they influence human affairs.” Other definitions say that astrology is the study of the alignment and activity of planets and stars, based upon the belief that these alignments have a bearing on human lives and can be useful in predicting the future.Astrology is an ancient practice that assumes that the position of the stars and planets has a direct influence upon people and events. Supposedly, one's life pattern can be charted by determining the position of the stars and planets at the time of one's birth. The chart that attempts to accomplish this is known as a "horoscope". Rene Noorbergen in his book “The Soul Hustlers” published in 1976 explains how one's horoscope is charted : MORE...


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Your Health and Moon Sign

by Gretchen Lawlor

Female bodies, forever cycling through the ebb and flow of natural rhythms, refuse to let us forget the profound interweaving of the physical, mental and emotional selves. Most health problems stem from the body’s instinctive urge to restore a healthy equilibrium between these three, through any means. Symptoms of ill health are the warning lights of a very wise inner guidance system. These red lights of early dysfunction, often shown through exhaustion or emotional distress, signal to us an imbalance that may precede more serious problems.
Modern medicine is slow to recognize the profound impact of emotional and mental well-being on body function. Women tend to be more aware of and impacted by emotions, yet are caught in a culture that programs us to ignore the emotional instinct and to put the needs of others before our own.
The astrological chart can step beyond current cultural attitudes to reveal the interweavings of the physical, mental and emotional selves. We have considered Mercury’s position in the chart and its influence on the mental body and the nervous system. Now let’s look at the Moon.
The Moon and Support
The Moon in an individual’s horoscope is indicative of the ways in which we receive support and get what we need to feel healthy and happy. In a woman’s chart, the Moon is particularly indicative of how she responds to emotional and hormonal tides, and it tends to be a more significant part of a woman’s awareness than it is for a man.
If we did not receive appropriate nourishment in our early years, and were not encouraged to learn appropriate ways to care for ourselves as we transitioned out of childhood, we are likely to revert to primitive subconscious patterns when stressed. These may no longer be appropriate or healthy, though when we are under stress, we need increased emotional support.
Lunar Reflex Action
Medical astrology has identified a tendency for a reflex action into the opposite sign when the needs of the natal Moon are not being met. The Moon is a reflector of light, not a generator, and uses this reflective effect to project ignored or misplaced emotions onto body parts and functions associated with the opposite sign. For example, a client with a natal Moon in Pisces, swamped by emotions due to her Piscean Moon’s instinctive, subconscious tendency/gift for empathizing, developed a hyperacidity of the digestion (reflex into the opposite sign of Virgo, which is linked to digestion). This was her constitution attempting to digest and assimilate the floods of experience she had absorbed, spongelike, from her environment.
Treatment of the hyperacidity was unsuccessful with conventional antacids, and more successful when healing modalities were used for the emotional overwhelm. Journaling to process the emotions (Virgo response) was less successful than turning to poetry (Pisces response) to clear the emotional backlog. Her body was highlighting an imbalance by reflex symptom to the opposite sign, though the most effective treatment occurred through application to the originating cause—the natal Moon in Pisces.
A client with Moon in Scorpio, a configuration suggestive of a high capacity for emotional intensity and a destructive predisposition toward creating emotional crisis, developed debilitating neck pain (reflex into Taurus—Scorpio’s opposite) which was unresponsive to chiropractic adjustment or acupuncture. The client's eventual willingness to redirect her obsessiveness into a tactile art form—sculpture in clay—fed her Scorpionic need for passion and devotion, and slowly resolved the neck pain.
These two examples are similar in that the root cause had to do with a water sign Moon (Scorpio and Pisces) projecting emotional intensity through an earthy opposite (Taurus and Virgo). Consider another example: Moon in fiery Aries, under stress reflexing into airy Libra, manifesting in serious skin eruptions and weight gain. In one Aries Moon client of mine, the diet was found to be very high in sugars and carbohydrates, cravings that were difficult for this person to curb. The pancreas (ruled by Libra) regulates blood sugar in the system, and was overstimulated into hypoglycemic fluctuation by excessive sugar ingestion. This condition could eventually develop into pancreatic exhaustion or diabetes.
Effective treatment in this case required support for the Moon in Aries through challenging physical activity, herbal stimulants to overcome inertia and homeopathic/essence supports to overcome indulgent habits and bring more fire to the system.
The sign opposite to the Moon often acts as a warning light of emotional distress, and does this through physical symptoms associated with that sign that are not responsive to conventional allopathic treatment. If neglected, the unresolved emotional backlog eventually affects the natal Moon sign, often with more serious afflictions.
Our bodies will manifest a physical symptom as a last-ditch effort to have us respond to life's challenges and opportunities. If instead we get to know our own style of emotional responsiveness, as represented by the sign our Moon is found in, we can perceive and respond to impulses while they are still in the subtle dimensions. Here they can be adjusted, worked with and resolved with greater ease.
Once the body has taken on a symptom, it becomes harder to shift, though certainly not impossible. As we have seen, be alert to symptoms associated with the sign opposite your own Moon (Aries to Libra, Taurus to Scorpio, Gemini to Sagittarius, Cancer to Capricorn, Leo to Aquarius and Virgo to Pisces). They are mirroring or reflecting an emotional imbalance that will respond best through treatment directed toward your own Moon sign. Homeopathic medicines, vibrational medicines such as flower essences and some herbs are particularly effective in treatment of lunar disorders. We will discuss treatments for each of the twelve lunar signs in the next article.
Editor's Note: To learn what your Moon sign is, register as a StarIQ Member, go to your member's page and click on "View current PlanetForecasts."

Gretchen Lawlor, N.D. is an astrologer and naturopath. Send an email to the author.For more information about Gretchen Lawlor, click here.
Other StarIQ articles by Gretchen Lawlor:
Mercury, the Nervous System and Energy Medicine
Mercury, the Nervous System and Herbal Support
Astrology and Diet Part Two
Astrology and Diet Part 1
What Can Medical Astrology Do for You?

Using Astrology to Determine

Diatery Needs

by Gretchen Lawlor

Your astrological chart/profile describes your unique constitutional makeup. From this, a medical astrologer can identify health issues you are most likely to experience, as well as specific recommendations of what you can do to regain and maintain optimum well-being. Astrology identifies four basic constitutional types: fire, earth, air and water.
A simple way to identify your constitutional type is to start with your Sun sign, the Sun being symbolic of one's essence and vitality. If you are familiar with your birth chart, you can look beyond the basic Sun sign to see if you have a large number of planets in any one of the four elements. If you do, you can apply the information below to that element in addition to your basic Sun sign.
The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and are considered to possess the most energy and vitality of all the signs. The air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are considered the second most vital, though more reactive to external stimuli. The water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, are more changeable and emotionally reactive. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and possess great steadiness and endurance, though not the vital spark of fire or air.
The maintenance of health is a process of constant readjustment to change. We each tend to experience periods of excess or deficiency of our constitutional element, which require adjustment of diet, lifestyle or even supplementation.
Fire Constitution: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Fire rules the function of internal combustion or digestion—the burning up or absorption of food. Fire also purifies the system by burning off toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungus. Fire signs easily fight disease. Their constitution naturally tends toward high temperatures and inflammations in this process.
Excess Fire
Fire signs, when unbalanced to excess or overstimulation, are prone to burning themselves out. They do not naturally conserve or pace themselves. Excess fire burns with adrenalin energy, is ardent and excitable. Excess fire can be impatient and angry, or internalizes it into hypertension, heart problems, ulcers or inflammations. Excess fire is brought back into balance by foods that are cold, moist and heavy, or slow-burning foods that ground energy, such as grains and root vegetables.
Anything that stimulates the system aggravates excess fire, such as spicy foods or red meat. Herbs, particularly relaxants (such as chamomile or lemon balm) and sedatives (skullcap, valerian) serve to cool the system, draw energy down and disperse excess fire.
Low Fire
When your fire is low, it may be hard to burn off or fight disease. Digestion and absorption of food are inadequate. Eat foods that are hot, light, dry and aromatic. Avoid cold foods. Hot spices and sour foods such as lemons and yogurt are good, as are whole grains cooked in oil. Bitter greens such as kale, mustard or collard greens support digestion. Keep dairy and meat to a minimum, and eat frequent light meals.
A main meal eaten at lunchtime takes advantage of maximum fire at midday. Use digestive stimulants such as cayenne, mustard and cloves, circulatory stimulants such as cinnamon and garlic, or ginger, which is stimulating to both the digestive and circulatory systems.
Air Constitution: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Air rules the nervous and circulatory systems and the function of movement, peristalsis, urination and breathing. Air people are easily stimulated, with quick and extremely sensitive minds that are easily thrown off balance and overwhelmed.
Excess Air
Overactive, restless, sensitive minds and nervous exhaustion plague air signs, as does dry skin, hair and mucus membranes, insomnia and memory loss from systemic overload. Excess air benefits from scheduled windows of quiet, with minimal stimulation, to allow the nervous system to recharge itself.
Air energy tends to collect high in the body, and benefits from a diet rich in earthy foods that draw the energy down, such as grains and root crops. Raw foods aggravate excess air and should be avoided, except in the summer months. Instead, use lightly steamed or even boiled vegetables served with oil dressing, nuts or croutons. Avoid yeasty foods and refined sugars. Enzymes allow nutrients to be better absorbed.
Low Air
When the air element is low, there is difficulty with the flow of energy through the body. A weakened nervous system benefits from mineral supports such as calcium and magnesium, and circulatory stimulants such as gingko, cayenne, garlic and ginger. Gotu kola and FoTi stimulate brain activity. Low air responds well to dairy (especially easily-digested yogurt, kefir).
Foods that are light, drying and stimulating are supportive. Avoid heavy foods, eat plenty of raw foods, vegetable juices and sprouted seeds. Oats in any form—oatmeal, oatstraw tea or oat tincture, are tonifying to a weak nervous sytem without being sedating. Bitter tonics such as dandelion root or angostura bitters stimulate the digestive process and draw energy down through the body.
Part Two of this article explores the water and earth elements. More -->

Gretchen Lawlor, N.D. is an astrologer and naturopath. Send an email to the author.For more information about Gretchen Lawlor, click here.
Other StarIQ articles by Gretchen Lawlor:
Your Health and Moon Sign
Mercury, the Nervous System and Energy Medicine
Mercury, the Nervous System and Herbal Support
Astrology and Diet Part Two
What Can Medical Astrology Do for You?

The Month of Love
by Alice DeVille

What true romantic would dream of ignoring the emotional overtures of the love planets, Venus and Mars, in Cupid’s month? When this star-struck duo teams up each February, unique love symphonies unfold. Have you ever read the romantic postings in your newspaper on Valentine’s Day? That’s Mars and Venus expressing devotion in graphic harmony, aided by Mercury’s way with words. Even love seekers without partners rekindle the longing for romance under the attraction-generating influence of these planetary lovebirds.
Romantics take their cues from the inspiring fabled legends of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella or the touching story of real-life lovers Elizabeth Barrett, a Pisces, and Robert Browning, a Taurus. You have only to read the letters of Aquarian former president, Ronald Reagan to his cherished Cancer wife, Nancy, in the book I Love You, Ronnie, to know that modern day soul mates do exist. Who among you has not dreamt of being swept off your feet (by dashing Mars), falling in love at first sight (with the goddess Venus) or finding your soul mate across a crowded room (Venus and Mars in an eye lock)? Cherished “oneness” is possible when this exhilarating twosome makes provocative moves toward a love connection.
The Love Team: Venus and Mars
Venus manages your social life. She desires a harmonious partner and shared commitment. Her place in your chart describes the power of your love, the way you express it, and how you wish to be adored by loved ones. A fire sign Venus wants passion and excitement (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). Water signs crave understanding and security (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Earth Venuses feel balanced with affection and creature comforts (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), while the air Venus enjoys your tender words and steamy love notes (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). Venus in a man’s chart describes women that attract him. A compatible relationship with Mars in a woman’s chart often leads to romance.
Mars regulates initiative, drive and passion and represents the masculine influence in your chart. A woman’s Mars describes the men that attract her. How much she wants those men to pursue her is indicated by the connections between their planets. A fire Mars is impulsive and moves quickly in the love game, while a water Mars paces the relationship until the emotions are convinced there is something going on. An earth Mars wants expressions of reassurance, a gentle touch and a little jealousy. The communication-oriented air Mars uses intellectual determination and the gift of gab to win a partner.
Valentine’s Day 2001
Although our article focuses on the Venus and Mars pairing, it is important to point out that the Sun and Moon, and all the other planets, play a part in the relationship game as well. On Valentine’s Day 2001, the planets’ aspects (the angles between them) show a passionate mating dance forming between our love planets, Venus and Mars, in fire signs. In addition, the Moon (emotions) in the focused and intense water sign, Scorpio, and a stellium of planets in airy Aquarius will highlight the planetary lineup for the day.
A stellium is a group of three or more planets in the same sign. In this case, we have Neptune (romantic bliss), Uranus (the love-at-first-sight factor), Mercury (conversations of the heart) and the Sun (power of expression) in friendly and unconventional Aquarius. This unpredictable combination often sets up love-in-the-fast-lane scenarios and whirlwind courtships, especially with Venus and Mars on the dance floor.
What special effects will the Valentine’s Day planets have on your astrology chart? In previous articles I mentioned that if nothing is going on in your chart (no natal planets stimulated by transiting planets), there is little you can do to attract lasting romance. You owe it to yourself to plot your own romantic course by examining your chart. What type of lovers do you attract? Are your relationships fulfilling? What can you expect in the love game with the current lineup of planets?
If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and/or Mars) in the fire signs, your love life could take exciting turns over the next several months. Impulsive Venus is in Aries right now, and she is ready to flirt with Mars, who makes a mad dash into adventure-seeking Sagittarius just as your Valentine Day activities get underway.
Those of you with Venus or Mars in the fire signs (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) could have the time of your life. Why? Venus will occupy the sign Aries until early June while Mars stays in Sagittarius through early September, favorably affecting those with fire sign love placements in their birth charts. Normally, Venus travels through a sign in approximately one month and Mars in about six weeks, but both of these planets will experience retrograde periods soon (a condition that slows down the planets’ motion so that they appear to travel backward for a time before turning around and moving forward again), making for a longer than usual stay in their respective signs.
Martian energy is sensual and open to a good chase, while Venus needs a little persuasion to demonstrate her everlasting love. For some couples, this extended stay in the fire element would be long enough to meet, court, get engaged and marry. A few may elope after the first date while established couples grow closer and strengthen their love. At any rate, it offers a passionate and romantic period. Sound inviting? What are you waiting for? Buy those bubbles and bake those cakes. Don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve—just spoil your sweetheart with TLC. Cupid is watching over you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Alice DeVille has been an astrologer, workshop presenter, and writer for over 25 years. Her expertise in romance and relationships attracts a diverse client base in the U.S. and abroad. She developed a series of workshops on finding your Soul Mate and other romantic themes. Alice combines a variety of consulting skills in her astrological practice, including business, financial and change management, real estate, and intuitive insight. Her writing appears in Llewellyn’s Sun Sign Book and Moon Sign Book.Send an email to the author.For more information about Alice DeVille, click here.
Other StarIQ articles by Alice DeVille:
Let’s Talk Business
Runaway Love
The Love Assessment
Is There a Promotion in Your Future?
Romancing with the Moon
Is There a Moving Van in Your Future?
Let’s Talk Business
Home Sweet Home
Soul Mate Zone
Walking the Green Mile with Tom Hanks
Interview with the Messenger

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Astrology of Menopause

by Elizabeth Spring

Between the ages of 42 and 59 there is a revolution in women’s lives that doctor’s call menopause. Astrologers have three names for it: the Uranus Opposition around the age of 42, the Chiron Return at 51, and the Second Saturn Return around 59. These three stages that span the entire menopausal experience are the rites of passage into our wise woman years. Like any journey they have their merciless moments of drama as well as quiet epiphanies. But how might menopause be different if these times came with an instruction manual like some of us received when we turned 13? “This is menstruation! Welcome to Becoming a Woman.” How might it be different if we did get a menopausal map?

Astrology offers us the closest thing that I’ve ever seen to a wise woman’s survival guide of these times, although the links between these three stages of menopause hasn’t been truly explored. I’m going to touch on this huge subject and offer a few insights, although the exact timing of these events is best explored with your own astrologer.

Uranus Opposition
At the first stage of the Uranus Opposition we begin our journey by being slightly unnerved and restless. The body’s electrical energy system begins to get revved up—fired by new messages from our glandular system. Uranus rules the electrical circuitry in our bodies, and the evolutionary purpose of Uranus is to create change—our life opens up; we see new options and possibilities. Our culture calls these years “peri-menopause” but astrologers see this as the time when we begin to be more true to ourselves, and do things differently. We may be shocked because repressed aspects of ourselves and long-forgotten dreams now come forth and demand expression. The unconscious stirs as we hear ourselves speak raw and outspoken truths in a way that startles even us. This is the same energy that makes us feel even sexier and stronger as we become serious truth-tellers.

Peri-menopause is powerful and underestimated, especially since it creeps us on us undetected. It’s as if our internal “B.S.-detectors” are amped up, and we can smell a rat or hear a lie a mile away. At this first entrance into the menopausal journey it’s time to consciously make new plans, craft new intentions, de-clutter our inner psyches and outer homes, and prepare for a new life. The Uranus Opposition is the first call towards what the Jungian psychologists call individuation; towards becoming who you truly are. Trying to maintain the status-quo at this time is the worst thing one can do. Let this be your motto: “Let’s do something different.”

As we move through our forties into menopause, it’s as if we’re being stripped of the Teflon coating of hormonal agreeableness, as we’re being catapulted into a time of intense honesty punctuated with times of intense irritation. The worst physical culprits, such as loss of sleep and hot sweats exhaust us, allowing the emotional roller coaster of moodiness to have its way with us. When we’re awake and sweating at 3:00 AM, we may find ourselves contemplating the limits of sanity, divorce or freedom even when we’ve actually have a good mind, a good marriage or good job—or so we think, up till now. Reflecting and reframing our lives is best done at 9:00 AM with our best friend over coffee, when we can exaggerate our “wet sheets story” just enough to get a good laugh and a tender hug.

The age of 51 is the average age for menopause to occur, although the process that leads up to it is as powerful as the actual ceasing of our periods. This is the turning point into our wise woman years, and many of us find ourselves coming into our own power and personhood more in our 50s than ever before. We’ve already been experimenting and finding out what works for us and what doesn’t. We’ve made changes—physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are keenly aware that our life is already more than half-lived.

Chiron Return
As we move towards the Chiron Return at age 51, the electric and truth-seeking trials of Uranus link up with the archetype of Chiron. The changes we’ve made and the healing we’ve done stand us in good stead as we approach the time when our periods actually stop, usually around the time of the Chiron Return.

Chiron can be seen as the mythological image of the “wounded healer.” As we round the corner past 50, we’ve gained some experiences and wisdom that can be helpful to others. The mythology of the planetoid Chiron is fascinating to read. The essence of it is that Chiron, the mythological god who was unable to heal himself, can now heal others. Through the process of experimentation and self-healing he learned how to become a useful mentor, healer, and teacher although he was never able to completely cure himself. Chiron is like all of us who struggle with menopause and its many remedies in an effort to heal and be whole. We delve into new treatments and new lives seeking to find physical relief and the best life, but perfect healing may elude us. We do the best we can as we struggle through it. Menopause is sloppy in all the ways of imperfection, but if we take good mental notes on our process we learn a great deal. We learn that change can be good and that open-heartedness and experimentation lead to healing. We find our way, and then we are able to help others do the same.

Second Saturn Return
As we make our way through the fifties we begin to approach the Second Saturn Return, which comes for most of us around the age of 59. This Saturn Return is typically easier than the first Saturn Return at age 29 as it ushers us into our wisdom and Elder years. This third and last part of the menopausal journey is when any unfinished business physically or emotionally needs to be taken care of. We cannot afford to be lazy in our attention to what needs to be done at this time, especially caring for our bodies. If we put off that call to the dentist, it may not be long before we’re calling the oral surgeon. If we don’t listen to our body’s messages now we may have some tough lessons with “reality”—that’s Saturn’s job.

But don’t be too hard on yourself. We all have unfinished business—coping with aging parents, health issues, loneliness…there are old problems and perhaps new solutions. We may slow down a little, and others may say we look tired. This is the time when our culture gets us thinking about retirement, and we are shocked when we tell someone our age. Can it be true? Our mental image of what this age is about is ready to change.

This is when we need to look deeply at the anatomy of our intentions. It is indeed time to see oneself as a wise woman and to act the part with quiet dignity. But do you have any great ambitions? Have you looked at what Jupiter and Neptune in your chart is whispering in your ear? Maybe you could aim higher in your intentions? Or is it just about losing weight and interior decorating? On your deathbed will you remember poignant moments doing volunteer work at the hospital or the time when you lost (and perhaps regained) fifteen pounds?

But what are the words in our hearts as well as our heads? Intentions and affirmations may find a “disconnect” if these two are not synchronized. For example, if our heart desires a new partner and yet we’re aware that our habits and lifestyle leave no room for another person in our life, then chances are it won’t happen. Or if we are still holding a powerful longing or resentment towards a past partner, where’s the room for a new person? This is the time to avoid the seductive power of our shadow and avoid scenarios where we feel our old unconscious stuff emerging—our old tapes of “not-good-enough” or “nobody loves me.” A reality check may be called for.

Someone once told me that a good rule of thumb for this time is to “sneak a little God into your daily chow.” This means different things for everyone. And we need to add the Saturnian practicality to the chow as well—a Muslim might say: “Pray to god, but tie your camel.” Or we remember the old-fashioned phrase, “God helps those that help themselves.” The gift of the Second Saturn Return is a practical wisdom combined with a more compassionate attitude, but you can’t bring naiveté to it. It’s time to get savvy. Saturn is the archetypal planet of reality that rewards in the long run for work well done, but who, as the Lord of Time, can bring delays and occasional moments of melancholy. We lose our naiveness, but gain a larger perspective.

Having just finished this third and last stage of the Menopausal Journey, I’ve found that I still feel the occasional hot flash of Uranus, the struggle with Chironic experiments in healing, as well as enjoying Saturnian moments of sitting quietly in my chair journaling. I’m finding that there is a new sanity and serenity emerging in which my ego needs are relaxing. And I’m remembering that when I’m not happy it doesn’t always mean there’s something wrong—it may be that I’m in the process of getting something right!

The Second Saturn Return also ushers us into the age of the “Yoga of Generosity.” We may find that our biggest joys come from having the chance to give whatever we can to all those “youngsters” under the age of sixty. Whether it isç giving our time, money, or telling our stories, it’s time to link the pieces together into a whole, sharing our wisdom with the story of the rough road of the journey. Remember that the difference between the boring old person and the one with the love and sparkle in her eyes is that she’s done her homework of digesting her stories. She doesn’t ramble or bore you. She’s learned something from her life, and taken more responsibility—a Saturn word that allows blame and shame to be reframed by compassion and understanding.

Moving through your menopausal journey you see the links between these transiting life stages as you pick up on the dropped stitches of meaning and healing along the way. You take good care of yourself, aligning your heart’s truth with the mind’s intention, and then point the arrow of intention in the direction of your dreams and let it release. It’s no “secret” since you’ve been doing the work and taking good notes. Chances are you’ll find the Second Saturn Return to be a very pleasant surprise.

Elizabeth Spring, MA, has a degree in counseling psychology with an emphasis in Jungian psychology. She has studied astrology since 1969 and has been a professional astrologer since 1992. You can read other articles, or contact her for comments on her website: